Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tools for Repair Need Repairs Too.

Tools are a very important part of any shop. They can make your work much easier or much more difficult if used on the incorrect application. Usually these day to day tools of the trade are taken for granted. When we start a project it is expected that the tools we need will work, and when they don't the project doesn't move until they do. For instance, today one of our trusty grinders was on the fritz. Luckily it was towards the end of the day and of course we have more than one. This doesn't mean we get rid of it, just let Juan play Mr. Fix It for an hour or so and that grinder will be good as new. Other than the fixing the tools of the trade the guys were working on a large light post, a square tubed aluminum gate, and Sean went on a portable welding trip to reinforce a staircase with a half inch piece of steel. All in all, the day went by pretty quick and the shop looks squeaky clean for a fresh start tomorrow morning bright and early.


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