Thursday, January 28, 2010

Catching Up with the Shop

Well, it has been a while. That is how the holiday season goes, it goes. The shop has been up and down and side to side completing all different kinds of work. All the guys where working on two handrails that had a very complex bend and pitch. These rails took at least a week of solid work and caused a couple hand burns and heated discussions. Now they are ready for powder coat only after so many tiny adjustments that the guys went cross-eyed.
Around the new year we had plenty of walk-ins and return customers who needed trailers fixed for the adventures of the new year. Juan worked on a tour bus yesterday, a horse trailer last week, and a van's automated seat the day before that. Juan always gets all the interesting walk-ins since he rarely leaves the shop. Sean and Jose are the travel duo and when work is busy they are usually out and about San Diego County working at the request of HOA's or apartment complexes. Today they got to stay in the shop and work on a couple of matching steel bench chairs that look like they are great pieces of a front yard landscape design.
While Sean and Jose worked on welding, grinding, and finishing those benches, Juan was bending steel tubing for a custom gate that is part of three for a new home design.
And for me the BlogMaster B, well I am working on the first Morena Welding Monthly Newsletter that will help our team communicate even further with our great clients. Look for it in your email inbox by the first week of February. And like always send me a comment or any questions that you may have to I would love to talk with you. Till next time, we will be welding.


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